Fuel Supply


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KEPCO Nuclear Fuel (hereafter referred to as “KNF”) was founded in 1982 as one of the subsidiary companies of Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). Since 1989, KNF has been supplying nuclear fuels and related services for all the nuclear power plants in Korea, which are a total of 21 Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) and 3 Pressurized Heavy Water Rectors (PHWRs) in operation at present.

In addition, KNF has been exploring the global market as a fuel vendor for overseas customers, and is working to design and manufacture safe and economic nuclear fuel that meets international standards. KNF has begun commercial supply of nuclear fuels to Barakah nuclear power plants (BNPPs) since 2016. KNF also exports nuclear fuel components to the United States (US) and Brazil, provides nuclear fuel design technology services to the US, and exports nuclear fuel equipment to China.

KNF succeeded in the 100% localization of nuclear fuel design and production technologies and processes, and currently it has two fuel fabrication plants and two tube manufacturing plants. Furthermore, a third fuel fabrication plant is being constructed in order to meet domestic and overseas nuclear fuel demand.

With its valuable experience and top notch technology, KNF is ready to meet customer's requirements and maximize customer satisfaction with the highest quality and safety standards.

Business Area

UO2 powder production

Design and fabrication of both PWR and PHWR fuel assemblies

  • Capacity : 550 MTU/year for PWR fuel and 400 MTU/year for PHWR fuel
Core design and safety analysis for PWR fuel

Nuclear services for plant operation and fuel

  • Fuel repair and in-reactor fuel performance examination
  • Safety analysis and engineering
  • Zirconium alloy tubing production
  • Development and production of manufacturing equipment

Major Projects · Achievements

Advanced fuel development for PWR

  • PLUS7™ Fuel(2002), ACE7™ Fuel (2005), HIPER16™ Fuel(2010) and HIPER17™ Fuel(2012)
  • HANA™ (High Performance Alloy for Nuclear Application) cladding development
  • Fuel development for SMART(System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor)
  • Core design code system development
  • Safety analysis code system and methodology development
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